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(70/314) 1911730 - Templates 4.1.1 depends on gnu.regex

Templates 4.1.1 depends on gnu.regex so it will be broken by 4.3pre13

Submitted kpouer - 2008-03-11 - 09:35:32z Assigned sjakob
Priority 5 Category None
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No


2008-03-11 - 11:03:01z
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IMHO that's not a bug of Templates 4.1.1 but of jEdit 4.3pre13.
If the jEdit developers want to remove this API they should do this almost transparently, ie. first adding a GnuRegex plugin that provides the necessary library and just have plugin maintainers add that as dependency.
Always breaking perfectly working code makes me very angry. I have put too much effort in my plugin to see that I have to spend a lot of time only to follow the incompatible changes of the API instead of creating and fixing my own features.
2008-03-11 - 11:08:13z
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You're right, there are many ways to fix this problem, your plugin can be updated to the JDK regexp, or someone can write a gnu.regex plugin library that can be shared by plugins that want to depends on this library.
Anyway in both case some changes will be required in Templates plugin
2008-03-11 - 15:40:21z
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I just created a gnu.regexp plugin. It depends on 4.3pre13 so I can't release it until after 4.3pre13 comes out, but you can see it in svn now.
2008-03-15 - 17:49:27z
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it looks like the plugin works without modification as long as you have gnu.regexp installed.
